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[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

PHN Shortage: Issues and Impact on the Public's Health

Glenda Kelly, MSN, RN, Public Health Nursing Liaison, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, 930 Wildwood, P.O. Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570, 573-526-0449, glenda.kelly@dhss.mo.gov and Jeanne A. Matthews, PhD, RN, Arlington County DHS, Public Health Division and Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies, 800 So. Walter Reed Dr, Arlington, VA 22204.

In 2001, the Quad Council of Nursing Organizations published “The Impact of the Nursing Shortage on Public Health Nursing,” identifying the impact of the national nursing shortage on public health. Since that time, much additional information about the shortage has been published, and the shortage paper has been updated. The purpose of this presentation is to share the updated version of the document. The updated paper presents information about the critical shortage of public health nurses and the impact of the shortage on the public's health. Systems issues in public health management and practice, faculty shortages and the impact on student capacity, and recommendations for a national approach to improving public health nursing capacity are also presented.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Workforce, Public Health Nursing

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Any relevant financial relationships? No

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Public Health Nursing Workforce Challenges: Strengthening research,

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA