153357 Building a state campaign for safer substitution for toxic chemicals

Wednesday, November 7, 2007: 12:50 PM

Tim Morse, PhD, CPE , Occupational and Environmental Health Center, UConn Health Center, Farmington, CT
Tina Clarke , Clean Water Action, Amherst, MA
Anne L. Bracker, MPH , Occupational and Environmental Health Center, UConn Health Center, Farmington, CT
Judy Sparer, MPH, CIH , Occupational Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Nancy Simcox, MPH, CIH , Occupational and Environmental Health Center, UConn Health Center, Farmington, CT
Annamarie Beaulieu , Occupational and Environmental Health Center, UConn Health Center, Farmington, CT
A state-based campaign was developed in Connecticut for the reduction of the use of toxic chemicals through the use of safer substitutes. Foundation support provided economic support for the formation of a broad coalition of public health, environmental (including environmental justice), labor, health care providers, academic and health-affected groups. There was the development of a campaign which included (1) shaping a public health message, (2) integrating respected professionals and academics to ensure scientific credibility, (3) increasing the size and diversity of the coalition, (4) developing municipal resolutions to build support for safer substitution, highlighting alternatives for toxic cleaning products and lawn pesticides (5) state legislative proposals requiring Connecticut businesses to report use of toxin substances and helping them replace toxins with safer substitutes, phase out the use of harmful lawn pesticides on schoolgrounds, replacing brominated flame retardants with safer alternatives, and promoting environmental justice and (6) planning for an academic based institute to support the development and implementation of safer substitutes in industry taking into consideration both occupational and environmental exposures.

Learning Objectives:
Describe components of a safer substitution coalition. Discuss integrating occupational/environmental objectives within a public health framework. Describe the components of an academic center to support safer substitution.

Keywords: Community Collaboration, Environmental Health

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