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![]() 156175 Informatics on pregnant women sexuality --- qualitative investigation and questionnaire development for a communityTuesday, November 6, 2007
Individual perception on self and self changing (SSC) of pregnant women affords qualitative investigation (QI) an identification resource for community-characteristics (CC).Informatics system is the focus of the presentation. Informatics is on sexuality changing for a pregnant woman in a community. Maternal-well-being of SSC on sexual behavior as CC-QI with the output of locality questionnaire instrument for a community-family follow-up research is the system in presenting. The co-investigator, nursing teacher in maternity and child care of ChungTai University of Medicine and Technology took care the in-person face-to-face friend-SSC-talk with on-site-recording, with 8 pregnant consent women in North Taichung Region (NTR). The audio-data was transcribed and identified their frequently appeared common terms by the teacher. Each term category was a question that has the terms as its items, ending with semi-opened questionnaire (SOQ). After specialist-peers reviewed, the SOQ was applied to 34 NTR community-subjects for the reliability and validity test, in addition to the 8 QI subjects for the reproducibility test. The Excel datasheet of 34 & 8 datasets were under SAS Proc Corr to get Cronback coefficient alpha. Realizing the information structure, the datasheet is carried on further by the principal component analysis, 5 dimensions with names identified. Reducing non-significant items and re-categorizing QI database end the community-fit questionnaire under the repeated application of the above 2 SAS procedures.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Maternal Well-Being, Community Health
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Any relevant financial relationships? No I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Maternal and Child Health
See more of: Population, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health |