156319 Falling off the Peak? Disenfranchised Populations in a Post-Peak Oil World

Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 5:10 PM

Lesa A. Dixon-Gray, MSW, MPH , Volunteer Chair, Public and Social Services Subcommittee, City of Portland Peak Oil Task Force, Portland, OR
Peak Oil presents increased health challenges to disenfranchised populations and will affect these populations deeper and earlier than those with greater economic, social, and emotional resources. The Portland Peak Oil Task Force, empowered by the City of Portland in the fall of 2006, is assessing the cross-cutting health impacts of Peak Oil for disenfranchised populations in the community and in the public health system. These populations are least likely to have information about peak oil and may not be able to respond adequately to the crisis. Their housing and vehicles are often the least efficient in terms of energy conservation. In addition, they are more likely to have been transplanted out of the city center into outer fringe areas that are less likely to have adequate public transportation to services. The disabled and elderly also face specific structural and social barriers within communities and society. A post-peak oil economy is likely to leave many more people economically vulnerable; with an increase in unemployment and uninsured. Disenfranchised populations in a Peak Oil world may have greater risk for disease and social and emotional health disorders. Public Health will see a greater number of people demanding services and fewer avenues available to fund these services. The efforts of the Portland Peak Oil Task Force to identify and mitigate the risks of peak oil for disenfranchised populations is the vanguard effort to develop a health impacts assessment and risk management framework for the disturbances ensuing from the coming worldwide energy transformation.

Learning Objectives:
1. To explain the concept of Peak Oil and why disenfranchised populations are a concern. 2. To describe issues of risk and resiliencies for disenfranchased populations in a Peak Oil economy. 3. To describe the possible impacts of Peak Oil on disenfranchised populations in a community. 4. To identify Task Force recommendations to attend to disenfranchised populations post-Peak Oil.

Keywords: Vulnerable Populations, Community Planning

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