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![]() 156808 Same intervention, different community: A case management intervention to reduce disparities in cardiovascular disease and diabetes in different racioethnic communitiesWednesday, November 7, 2007: 8:30 AM
The Lawndale Health Promotion Project (LHPP) is a CDC funded REACH 2010 initiative to address disparities in diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The project focuses on two racioethnic communities with a high incidence of both diseases. A diverse community coalition oversees the project including the assessment of community resources, resident risk assessment and evaluation of the direct impact of a case management intervention. A multi-method evaluation using qualitative and quantitative methods examines the efficacy of a similar intervention introduced in two different racioethnic communities. Over 500 residents were interviewed at two or three points over a 12 month period. Interviews assessed knowledge retention, behavior change, illness management and perceptions of racism in the help seeking process. Data were compared by ethnic group, gender, age and place of residence. Findings support the beneficial effects of case management for both groups and documented positive trends in self management and personal health confidence as well as increased awareness of resources to sustain or improve health. Experience with discrimination had a negative impact on personal wellbeing and demonstrated a statistically significant relationship to stress.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Case Management, Diabetes
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Any relevant financial relationships? No I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: CBPR Applications and Tools to Address Disparities
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