157613 Preventative Foot care and its Effects on Public Health: Diabetes & Obesity

Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 3:15 PM

Sherunda Smith, BA, BS , Graduate Medical Sciences, Barry Univesity School of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Miami Shores, FL
Danielle St. Phard, BA , Graduate Medical Sciences, Barry Univesity School of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Miami Shores, FL
According to the most recent information provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Obesity Association (AOA) over 30.9 million people (age 20-60years) have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM) type II, and some 127 million adults have been diagnosed with obesity (Body Mass Index of >30), respectively. Indubitably, the various associated pathologies with DM and obesity are of sincere importance to the field of public health and podiatric medicine. As these two health arenas increase in their collaborative efforts, greater significance must be placed on such emerging issues. This work gives background information regarding the foot pathologies associated with DM type II and obesity in middle-aged adults. In addition, the findings presented highlight the most effective means of simple preventative foot care modalities, based on the research done. The grave importance of preventative foot care as it relates to the public health arena is also discussed. Finally, outcome studies, initiatives and probable means of execution of the identified preventative measures are given.

Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives 1. background on foot pathology � DM and Obesity 2. Highlight the most effective means of preventative foot care 3. Relate these preventative measures to PH 4. Execution and outcome studies that can be done to document benefits

Keywords: Obesity, Diabetes

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Any relevant financial relationships? No
Any institutionally-contracted trials related to this submission?

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.