160050 Regional lifestyle management program

Monday, November 5, 2007: 3:10 PM

Regine J. Joly, MPH, BS, RN , Delivery Systems, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Miami, FL
The program is designed by a team of multicultural nurses; to educate members in their pre-disease state whose lifestyle is burdened by risk factors that left unmanaged will result in a preventable chronic condition.

The program through its nurses and other personnel, education materials, tools, awareness and design will try to overcome disparities in prevalence of risk factors and outcomes in the existing health care delivery system due to socioeconomic status, racial and ethnic minorities' composition of the demographics of the population we serve. This program will address not only our members but also our local communities.

The goal of this program is to reduce healthcare disparities by assisting our members in establishing reasonable and attainable goals through cultural competent education and recurrent communication. Educate members to engage with their physician s in order to change their behaviors. Show improvement in identified risk factors and reduce racial and ethnic barriers for improved delivery of care. Address unique health care needs, disparities and access to care among our Florida population specially those belonging to racial / ethnic minorities.

Our Leaders believe as an insurance company if we promote wellness and provide tools, and incentives for our members it will lower the cost of insurance premiums. Our health insurance leadership team also believes if they care for the wellbeing of the uninsured in the state of Florida and provide affordable health plans this will also address medical cost. In the state of Florida the uninsured is our biggest competitors.

Learning Objectives:
1.Identify the barriers and disparities to healthcare access due to racial, ethnic and socioeconomic status in the state of Florida 2. Analyze the culture barriers and differences within our diverse population in the state of Florida in order to deliver a unique message that is personal to not only our members but also our local communities. 3. Create a program that will promote, prevention, promotion, and access to appropriate health care services for all Floridians.

Keywords: Access to Health Care, Health Promotion

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