160503 Science-Based Approaches and Departments of Public Health: Creating Partnerships and Changing Policies to Reduce Teen Pregnancy, STIs and HIV

Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 4:50 PM

Myriam H. Jennings, MA , Health Division, JSI Research and Training Institute, Boston, MA
Science-Based Approaches and Departments of Public Health: Creating Partnerships and Changing Policies to Reduce Teen Pregnancy, STIs and HIV

In 2004, the JSI Research and Training Institute was awarded a five year grant from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as a regional training center to build capacity of local and state agencies in the New England region to select, implement and evaluate science-based approaches to teen pregnancy prevention. Since then, JSI has partnered with multiple state agencies in the region for promoting the use of science-based approaches. This presentation will explore lessons learned so far through our work in Maine and Connecticut and how the state Department of Public Health, in these states, plays a significant role in gaining support from key players, mobilizing local communities, providing funds and changing policies for promoting science-based approaches to reduce teen pregnancy.

This presentation will highlight two case studies from the New England region. Each study will provide a different example of how the Department of Public Health (in two states) is participating in the promotion of science-based approaches to teen pregnancy prevention and also how to build community coalitions with key stakeholders.

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify at least two ways that a Department of Public Health can support science-based approaches in their state to prevent teen pregnancy, STI's and HIV, 2. Identify potential stakeholders for coalition building and increasing interest in science-based approaches. 3. Create partnerships with local organizations to mobilize communities in the prevention of teen pregnancy, STIs and HIV.

Keywords: Policy/Policy Development, Evidence Based Practice

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