161355 Hepatitis A vaccination outreach for Skid Row food service providers

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Erika Goff, RN, PHN, BSN , Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Central Health Center, Los Angeles, CA
Alejandra Novelo, RN, PHN, MSN/MPH , Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Central Health Center, Los Angeles, CA
Background: Hepatitis A is one of the most widely reported vaccine preventable food-borne illnesses despite the introduction of the hepatitis A vaccine in 1995. Skid Row found itself susceptible to hepatitis A infection due to extreme living conditions, no vaccine access, socioeconomic status, and diverse backgrounds.

Assessment/Diagnosis: From August- December 2005, the incidence of hepatitis A peaked throughout Los Angeles County. Skid Row reported the largest number of cases. The source of this outbreak was difficult to trace due to living conditions and food access. The homeless eat from different places: trashcans, soup kitchens, missions and mom/pop restaurants. Early prevention is necessary to protect the Skid Row community from Hepatitis A exposure.

Identify Outcomes/Plan: In 2006, Central Public Health Nursing in collaboration with Area Health Office 3&4, Acute Communicable Disease Control Program, Immunization Program, Environmental Health, and Homeless Services Program formed a transdisciplinary team to strategize on using resources to prevent reoccurrence of a hepatitis A outbreak in Skid Row. Hepatitis A vaccination outreach clinics were planned for food service workers in Skid Row.

Act/Evaluate: With limited numbers of Hepatitis A vaccine, teams of public health nurses and health educators vaccinated and educated ten of the twelve targeted food service providers.

Conclusion: The Public Health Nursing Practice Model provided a framework for working with a transdisciplinary team to assess needs and resources, identify goals, and implement interventions in a Hepatitis A vaccination outreach for food service providers in Skid Row.

Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, the participants in this session will be able to: (1)Describe how the PHN Practice Model was utilized in implementing the hepatitis A vaccination outreach. (2)Discuss the importance of collaboration between public health nursing and other public health disciplines in effective implementation of a vaccination outreach. (3)Discuss approaches to forming/enhancing interdepartmental relationships.

Keywords: Community Outreach, Collaboration

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