162950 Forging successful private-public partnerships to expand the reach of avian influenza prevention and control efforts in Southeast Asia

Monday, November 5, 2007: 4:45 PM

Eleanora De Guzman , Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC
Dee Bennett , Global Health Marketing Group, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC
Tula Michaelides, MPH , Global Health Marketing Group, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC
Combating emerging infectious diseases in resource-poor settings often requires innovative thinking to maximize the use of available resources. Developing approaches that engage the private sector's expertise, technologies, and other resources in designing and implementing avian influenza prevention and control activities can help to enhance their reach and effectiveness. In this presentation, we will outline several examples of engaging the private sector to bring crucial resources to mitigate the spread of avian influenza. These public-private sector partnerships include: an Early Warning Disease Surveillance System to Track and Report Avian Influenza among Poultry, Birds and Livestock in Rural Indonesia; Rapid Implementation of Practical Information Solutions to Support Thailand's Avian Influenza Control Efforts; and Capacity Building for Public and Private Veterinarians and Poultry Farmers to Improve the Investigation and Management of Avian Flu Outbreaks and to Secure the Development of Poultry Production in Vietnam. We will discuss both the successes and challenges in developing these public-private partnership developments, as well as carrying them out. Finally, we will address the broader policy implications of using collaborations with the private sector to address public capacity weaknesses related to the response to avian influenza.

Learning Objectives:
Understand the role of the private sector in helping to build capacity in the fight against avian influenza in Southeast Asia. Discuss several public-private partnerships that have been forged in Southeast Asia, their successful outcomes, and the obstacles that were faced. Debate the pros and cons of pursuing private-public partnerships in helping to prevent and control avian influenza outbreaks.

Keywords: Public/Private Partnerships, Infectious Diseases

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