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![]() 166890 Assessing capacity to implement the FCTCMonday, November 5, 2007: 11:30 AM
The FCA FCTC Monitor also collects data regarding other FCTC articles and factors outside of governments that may influence FCTC implementation process. For example, under article 5.1, each party to the FCTC is obliged to create and maintain comprehensive multi-sector national tobacco control strategies, plans, and programs in accordance with the convention. This presentation will discuss some of those factors including the assessment of non-government tobacco control activities and programs, assessment of country capacity for tobacco control, media coverage , NGO involvement, and tobacco industry interference with the treaty provisions. For example, of the 27 countries participating in the 2007 FCA FCTC Monitor, 23 countries have either a national office or a focal point for tobacco control, mostly based in a ministry of health. While the majority of the 27 participating countries have passed legislation or made agreements to implement the FCTC, 8 of the reports indicate that their countries have also contradicted the terms or the spirit of the FCTC. Lack of political will and active interference by the tobacco industry are still barriers to FCTC implementation in a number of countries.
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See more of: Assessing Implementation of the FCTC: The FCA FCTC Monitor
See more of: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs |