Ami Shah, MPH

Sinai Urban Health Institute
1500 S. California Avenue
Mount Sinai Hospital, K439
Chicago ILUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Ami M. Shah joined the Sinai Urban Health Institute (SUHI) in April 2002 to coordinate the Sinai Improving Community Health Survey, one of the largest health surveys conducted in Chicago. She managed all research activities related to implementing this survey from start to finish and continues to disseminate its findings locally and nationally. Shah has facilitated the expansion of the survey to an orthodox Jewish community and to 3 Asian communities. How the results of these surveys are being used to document and address disparities are described in book, Urban Health: Combating disparities with local data (published by Oxford University Press). Shah also currently leads a community navigation program, which was developed in response to the extraordinary Black-White disparity in breast cancer mortality documented in Chicago. The project aims to increase access to high quality services for minority women on the southwest side of the city and toward greater health equity. Shah is a graduate of University of Chicago (AB'95) and Columbia University School of Public Health (MPH'99).