T. Mark Beasley, PhD

Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Biostatistics
1665 University Boulevard
RPHB 327
Birmingham ALUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Mark Beasley has published over 30 articles in the area of statistical methodology, focused in five major areas: (1) methodological problems in statistical genetics; (2) nonparametric statistics; (3) simulation studies; (4) the use of linear models; and (5) longitudinal analysis. Dr. Beasley has published articles on methodological problems in statistical genetics in leading journals such as the American Journal of Human Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology, and Genetics. He has also co-authored over 30 applied research articles in a variety of disciplines including education, psychology, medicine, genetics, and gerontology, pharmacology. Dr. Beasley serves as a standing member of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Experimental Gerontology Laboratory of the National Institutes on Aging.