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![]() 5111.0 Social EpidemiologyWednesday, November 7, 2007: 12:30 PM
This interesting session will focus on social epidemiology. A presentation on the relationship between social capital and health status will be followed by a study of the effect of physical and social limitations on depression. Other presentations will discuss the enrolment of hard-to-reach populations, the possible effects of unemployment and income inequalities on suicide mortality and the social consequences of possible pandemic influenza interventions.
Session Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant (learner) in this session will be able to:
1) Articulate the methodological and practical significance of the endogeneity of social capital and health;
2) Understand the relationships between an individual’s physical activity and social activity limitation and his/her depression;
3) Evaluate the possible consequences of failure to retain the hard-to-reach in longitudinal studies;
4) To understand the associations of suicide mortality with unemployment and income inequalities in Taiwan; and
5) Identify health and social consequences of non-pharmaceutical public health interventions to contain pandemic flu.
Xiaoxing He, MPH
12:35 PM
12:50 PM
1:05 PM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Epidemiology
CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing
See more of: Epidemiology