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![]() 3097.0 Publishing Public Health Policy: A SnapshotMonday, November 5, 2007: 10:30 AM
The politics of public health policymaking is influenced by a number of factors, including the state of scientific knowledge; economic costs and benefits; ethical principles; existing law and regulation; the interaction of elected and appointed officials; the media; the voluntary and private sectors advocates and the public at large. The American Journal of Public Health (Journal) provides a forum for highlighting a wide variety of research, practice and commentary that both influences and is influenced by policy. This joint session of the Journal’s editorial board and editors will feature a diverse group of policy makers and authors who have expertise, skills and advice to offer for publishing in a variety of formats for the Journal as well as other journals. Emphasis will be placed on understanding (a) the nature of what health policy is and what constitutes publishable work (b) how history influences policy formation (c); how policy influences the context of critical public health issues; (d) how the analytic essay can be used for publication of policy related work; and (e) the role of translation research within the policy arena.
Session Objectives: 1. Develop an understanding for the bi-directional influence of policy and public health;
2. Explore how public health research and practice findings can be used to influence policy; and
3. Describe diverse formats for publishing work on policy formation.
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: APHA-American Journal of Public Health Editorial Board