4182.0 Medical Care Poster Session: Drug Policy, Health Economics, Rural/Frontier Health, & Universal Access

Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 2:30 PM
Katherine Virgo, PhD, MBA

Board 1
Immunomodulating drugs in Multiple Sclerosis: Compliance, satisfaction and adverse effects - evaluation in a German MS-population
Sabine Twork, MD PhD, Ilona Nippert, Peter Scherer, MD PhD, Judith Haas, MD PhD, Prof, Dieter Pöhlau, MD PhD and Joachim Kugler, MD PhD, Prof
Board 2
Patterns of medication changes between admission and dischage of hospitalized elderly patients with congestive heart failure
Mignon A. Enecilla, MD, Gisele Wolf-Klein, MD, Roshan Hussain, MPH, Charles Cal, RN, MS, MBA and Yosef Dlugacz, PhD
Board 3
Quality, Efficiency, and Input Slack Differentials
Vivian Grace Valdmanis, PhD, Michael D. Rosko, PhD and Ryan Mutter, PhD
Board 5
When is Rural not Rural: An Examination of the Provision of Surgical Services in Rural Hospitals
Brit Doty, MPH, Steven Heneghan, MD, Nathanial Reib, MD and Randall Zuckerman, MD
Board 6
Board 7
Arizona Rural Health Plan 2005-2007: Midpoint Assessment Results
Howard J. Eng, MS, DrPH and Julie A. Jacobs, MS
Board 10
In their own words: West Virginia's uninsured ages 50-64
Gail R. Bellamy, PhD, Melissa Kolb McCormick, MA and Johnna S. Beane, BA

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Medical Care
Endorsed by: Health Administration

See more of: Medical Care