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![]() 3228.0 Vertical Programming: Impact on National Health ProgramsMonday, November 5, 2007: 12:30 PM
General Health System Management in the Context of PEPFAR and the Global Fund
Overview: Alignment/coordination of resource flows to maintain efficiency and support for PHC services. Major investments being made through international grant making mechanisms such as PEPFAR, PMI, GFATM, GAVI that, in some circumstances, can create distortions and coordination problems in managing human and material resource flows to assure broad access to an integrated package of health services. If half of a financial resource flow for health in a country is focused on HIV/AIDS, how can the policy leaders assure that the whole health system is re-inforced.
The Secretary General in the Ministry of Health of Rwanda, Caroline Kayonga, and the Director General of Health in the Ministry of Health and Population in Haiti, Gabriel Timothée, will discuss the situations they face in their countries orchestrating an integrated health program, the tactics for management that they have used in the context of substantial funding flows from PEPFAR, the Global Fund, etc and their views looking forward . Ambassador Mark Dybul, US Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) and a senior representative of the Global Fund (to be named) will address the question of balance between the goals of the PEPFAR and Global Fund programs and the functionality of the overall health systems where PEPFAR and Global Fund investments are being made.
Session Objectives: Participants will
1) Understand how human resource and material planning and allocation constraints impact program implementation
2) Gain insight into the priorities and short and medium-term goals behind donor investments
3) Be able to articulate at least two examples of how policy determinations can affect access to health services.
12:30 PM
12:50 PM
1:10 PM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: International Health
See more of: International Health