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![]() 174165 Janu Basti an Ayurvedic therapy in Osteoarthritis of the KneeMonday, October 27, 2008: 1:10 PM
Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis in older adults. Osteoarthritis of the Knee is a major worldwide public health problem. OA affects 13.9% of adults aged 25 and older and 33.6% of those 65 and above; an estimated 26.9 million US adults in 2005 up from 21 million in 1990. Prevalent knee OA is significantly more severe in women compared to men. OA cost the U.S. economy nearly $125 billion per year in direct expenses and lost wages and production. In severe case of OA, joint replacement surgery is recommended which includes lots of risks particularly in elderly patients who have other medical conditions. There is no definitive treatment that will stop the progression of the disease, as well as cure it. Osteoarthritis sufferers are now looking for new ways to ease their pain with different remedies of good efficacy and low toxicity. Ayurveda Indian traditional system of medicine has many remedies for OA. OA is known as SANDHIVATA in Ayurveda and is pathology of VATA (movement bound principle). Ayurveda utilizes medicated warm herbal oil externally to treat different ailments. In Janu basti warm herbal oil is kept in contact with knee for 15 to 20 minutes. This paper attempts to evaluate the efficacy of the Janu basti in treating osteo arthritis using standardized outcomemesauure with the help of a case study. The findings of the study serve to design quantitative studies to support the role of Janu basti in the management of Osteoarthritis.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Alternative Medicine/Therapies, Arthritis
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: This study is conducted and compiled by myself I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Alternative and Complementary Health Practices
See more of: Alternative and Complementary Health Practices |