HIV Prevention among MtF Transgender Persons in Wisconsin: Leadership Development and Provider Preparation
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Brenda Coley
Diverse and Resilient, Inc., Milwaukee, WI
Molly Herrmann, MS
Humble Pie Consulting, Madison, WI
Rachel Federlin, BA
Diverse and Resilient, Inc., Milwaukee, WI
African American MtF transgender people often experience severe marginalization in all communities from racial and ethnic, to religious/spiritual, to work/educational, and public health. Their needs for respect, affiliation, employment and financial resources, opportunities for a positive future, and skills are well documented. Environmental models can assist in the development of group and community interventions to address HIV prevention needs of this population. SHEBA (Sisters Health Each other Battle AIDS) was developed to reduce HIV risk in a group of African American MtF people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The groups meets bi-weekly and holds an annual two-day retreat to foster their development as community leaders. Progress on a set of target behaviors is incremental, but participation is regular and positive. Participants' needs, however, are not limited to those in their control. The Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services AIDS/HIV Program supported the development of ‘Transgender 101: Basics for Service Providers.' The one-day training is offered through the state HIV training system and the University of Wisconsin Department of Professional Development and Applied Studies. A group transgender people and providers developed the program and piloted it with six different service provider groups. Program content includes basics on the social construction of gender, the practice of gender in daily life, and HIV prevention needs of MtF people. Evaluation results reflect positive post-session gains in information and intentions to implement program changes.
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify six HIV prevention needs of African American MtF transgender people
2. Construct a model of the environment of African American MtF Transgender people
3. List the five critical components of an effective group-level prevention intervention for African American MtF transgender people
4. Evaluate the impact of a leadership development approach on the beliefs and behaviors of a group of African American MtF transgender people
5. Analyze the content of a day-long training regarding gender, transgender people, and HIV for service providers
Keywords: HIV Interventions, Gender
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I direct the organization in which the small group intervention exists and developed the curriculum for service providers
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines,
and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed
in my presentation.