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![]() 181964 HIV knowledge, adaptive and maladaptive cognitions in relation to the threat of HIV infection among African American females of childbearing ageWednesday, October 29, 2008: 11:00 AM
The Tennessee HIV Prevention Plan document identified African American females of childbearing age as the highest priority for HIV/AIDS prevention in Tennessee. Using a protective motivation theory framework and a regression model, the study explored the effect of HIV knowledge and preventive cognitions. Specifically, the effect of HIV knowledge, self-efficacy, personal susceptibility, and age on adaptive (i.e., intentions to use condoms, to limit number of sexual partners, and willingness to consider an HIV antibody test) and maladaptive (i.e., fatalism, wishful thinking, and denial) cognitions among African American females of childbearing age was examined. The participants comprising 185 African American females in Families First Program, a federally funded initiative for A.F.D.C recipients completed a questionnaire. The participants ranged in age from 18-58 years with a mean age of 30.65. Findings indicated HIV knowledge (p < .0487) and self-efficacy (p < .0001) were associated with the likelihood of using a condom in the future. Age (p < .0596), HIV Knowledge (p < .0001), and self-efficacy (p < .0005) were associated with the intention to limit future sexual partners. HIV knowledge was associated with the likelihood of taking HIV antibody test (p < .0035). In considering maladaptive cognitions, HIV knowledge (p < .0363) and personal susceptibility (p < .0106) were associated with denial of contracting HIV virus via sexual intercourse. Personal susceptibility (p < .0063) was associated with a perception that “God will protect me” from the AIDS virus. Prevention practitioners should consider cognitions promoting and inhibiting behaviors for HIV/AIDS among priority populations.
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Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have a Ph.D. in community health education. For several years,I have been involved in research and prevention education inititiaves on HIV/AIDS with the poor and underserved populations. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: HIV Prevention Strategies in the United States
See more of: Public Health Education and Health Promotion |