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182235 Evaluating Intentional Injury Resulting From Youth Violence in Nashville-Metro TennesseeTuesday, October 28, 2008
Background: Nashville had the largest increase in violence among 30 other metropolitan areas in the United States, in 2007. In October 2007, a Nashville Metropolitan Police spokesperson reported a 90% increase in juvenile arrests for violent crimes and a 50% increase in the amount of arrests for robbery. This study reports data gathered on crime and injury in Tennessee, with particular reference to Nashville.
Methods: Researchers will analyze data from the CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), and emergency room discharge data to identify risks factors associated with youth violence and intentional injury. Results: Data analysis is on-going, but initial results indicate multiple risk factors evaluated within the framework of the Ecological theory by the individual, family, and community are associated with intentional injuries resulting from violence perpetrated by youths ages 10-24. Conclusions: As part of the comprehensive approach stakeholders at each level of the ecological assessment (individual, family and community) were identified and their roles assessed in the identification of possible solutions to the rising crime and violence in Nashville. The study findings did not prescribe implementing any programs or interventions to address youth violence the conclusion provided recommendations for best practice appropriate programs and interventions best suited for the Nashville area.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Youth Violence, Violence
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: working in conjunction with other researchers on collaborative project I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Dating and Youth Violence Posters
See more of: Injury Control and Emergency Health Services |