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![]() 182777 Can Drug Treatment Courts promote self-sufficiency and self-efficacy?: A qualitative exploratory studyWednesday, October 29, 2008: 10:48 AM
Objective: Drug Treatment Courts (DTC) have been implemented to decrease recidivism, taxpayer costs, drug abuse and criminality in non-violent felony offenders. Research on DTC has shown that this intervention increases community safety, drug free babies and family reunification. Less is known about unintended outcomes such as increased self-sufficiency and self-efficacy among program participants that appear to be related to participating in the intervention. Since 2001 through 2007, 116 adults, ages 18-64 have completed the DTC program successfully in Monroe County, Indiana. This research seeks to identify and examine factors that promote self-sufficiency and self-efficacy among program participants that have successfully completed the program.
Design, Setting, and Participants: Using an exploratory mixed method study design interviews were conducted with a sample of DTC participants that successfully completed the program between 2001 and 2007 in Monroe County Indiana. Results: Observations of DTC participants appear to indicate an increase in economic stability, family and social support, and maintenance of sobriety. Determination of the factors associated with such improvements may provide guidance to improved health interventions at DTC. Conclusions: This study provides a context for exploring factors associated with self- sufficiency and self-efficacy among successful participants of DTC. Identifying such factors may enhance program planning as it relates to the long term provision of structure that assists successful participants in their ability to function day to day in their communities and with their overall health and well being.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Substance Abuse Assessment, Health Education
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the primary author, primary researcher of the study and I am currently working on my Master's in Public Health at Indiana University I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
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