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![]() 183737 Worksite: An Effective Approach for Delivering Statewide Tobacco Cessation ServicesTuesday, October 28, 2008: 11:06 AM
Smokers on average cost employers $3000 more in direct medical and indirect lost productivity costs each year. As businesses look for ways to decrease their healthcare costs, panelists will share how ClearWay Minnesota's state-wide QUITPLAN® at Work program has shown remarkable success in helping smokers to quit. Utilizing a group counseling approach at the worksite with trained counselors, the program has produced excellent quit rates and participant satisfaction.
Panelists will discuss the development, implementation and evaluation of this innovative program. To date, QUITPLAN at Work has served over 260 companies in Minnesota since 2004, averaging 10 participants per program. The panel represents the three major partners in the delivery of a high-quality group counseling program including the funding organization, service provider and employer. Speakers will discuss the development of a solid infrastructure, including contracting with provider organizations throughout the state, recruitment of counseling staff and an intensive marketing plan. Marketing approaches to companies include networking with insurance companies, insurance brokers, EAP programs, advertising and direct mail. Strategies to integrate cessation programs into existing employee wellness programs, internal promotion to employees, motivational tools and incentives will be shared. Additional resources to assist companies provide a supportive environment for health behavior change will be shared including a resource library, connection to the QUITPLAN Helpline and Website, relapse prevention and company policy tools. Outcomes of program evaluation will be discussed including employer and participant satisfaction, quit rates and the changes in readiness to quit among non-quitters.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Smoking Cessation, Interventions
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Intervention Program Manager for ClearWay Minnesota. Provide oversight, mnagement and technical assistance to the statewide QUITPLAN at Work Tobacco Cessation grant. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Tobacco Cessation: Strategies Addressing Who, How, and Where
See more of: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs |