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![]() 185653 HIV/AIDS from the Perspective of Urban Youth: “Listen to us, we have a say too”Tuesday, October 28, 2008: 11:00 AM
PROBLEM: The HIV rates among adolescents make up have of the new HIV/AIDS cases in the US. 1 out of 50 high school students have injected an illegal drug, and many students have reported that they have used alcohol or illegal drugs while engaging in sex. This leads to 1 out of 62 high school students are HIV positive.
HYPOTHESIS: Can early intervention by focus groups, education and discussion improve the awareness and understanding and testing of HIV/AIDS in high school students. Do high school students have the appropriate understanding to make healthy decisions. Can high school students come up with creative and effective prevent measure and testing for HIV/AIDS for their peers? METHODS: Fifty (50) co-ed students from a Chicago public high school ranging from ninth (9th) grade to twelfth (12th) grade. Pre and post tests will be given, along with focus groups, discussion groups, to learn the perspectives and recommendations on HIV?AIDS prevention. Students will also be educated about HIV/AIDS. Students will design HIV/AIDS prevention materials, posters, brochures, etc.. EXPECTED RESULTS: At the completion of this session, students will have a better understanding of HIV/AIDS, students will also come up with creative and effective ways to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS geared towards their peers.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Health Care Advocates, Adolescent Health
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Experienced Presenter 10 years I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Perspectives on HIV/AIDS and African-American Youth
See more of: Black Caucus of Health Workers |