Male Sexual Assault: An Epidemiological Profile using 2003-2005 NIBRS Data
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Ekta Choudhary, MS, MPH
Injury Control Research Center, Department of Community Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Robert M. Bossarte, PhD
Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Sexual assault among males, compared to females, is under-studied and previous research suggests that it may also be significantly under-reported. Past studies have relied primarily on population-based survey data to estimate the prevalence of sexual assault and associated health outcomes. However, survey-based surveillance systems rely on self-reports and may not accurately estimate the true prevalence of male sexual assault victimization. In order to obtain a detailed epidemiological profile of sexual assault among males, criminological databases like the National Incidence Based Reporting System (NIBRS) may provide an important source of alternative information. The objective of this study was to use 2003-2005 NIBRS data to construct an epidemiological profile of sexual assault among males. Our results suggest that the incidence of sexual assault was higher among young males (less than the 18 years of age), with approximately 90% of all cases being reported among members of this age group. Among males of all ages, forcible fondling and sodomy were the most prevalent forms of sexual assault. Results from additional analyses include rates and rate ratios for each age, race, and geographical location, the prevalence and severity of injury and time trends detailing incidence by season, time of the day and location of the incident. Previous studies using survey data are only capable of providing information on adult males and are subject to under-reporting. Results from our analyses suggest that NIBRS data can be used to provide detailed information related to sexual and provide complete epidemiological assessment of male sexual assault.
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand how criminological data like National Incidence Based Reporting System (NIBRS) can be used to enhance surveillance of violence and sexual assault.
2. Identify the prevalence of sexual assault among males of all age groups.
3. Assess the relationship characteristics and trends of incidence of sexual assault by season, time of the day and location of the incident.
Keywords: Epidemiology, Violence
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a graduate student in the department of community medicine, West Virginia University and this abstract is part of my research project.
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