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![]() 186640 An analysis of physician initiated communication and its impact on behavioral steps and physical activity among Latina womenMonday, October 27, 2008
Research suggests that individuals who talk with their physicians about lifestyle behaviors are more successful in achieving weight loss goals. Obesity is increasing in Latinos, a population less likely to achieve recommended levels of physical activity than other minority groups. Little literature exists on the relationship between physician communication and physical activity in Latino adults. This study examined whether physician communications about weight loss and exercise were associated with greater preparation to become physically active. Participants included a convenience sample of 109 Latina women recruited to-date to participate in a physical activity intervention. The women completed a self-administered questionnaire and were asked about (a) physician communication regarding healthy lifestyles using the 5 A's Behavior Change Model, (b) their physical activity, and (c) standard demographic questions including access to healthcare. Survey questions on physician communication were grouped into "advice" themed conversations and "assistance" themed conversations. Participants were scored according to the number of positive responses in each category. Participants reported more "advice" conversations (mean=4, SD=2.4) and fewer "assistance" conversations (mean=1.3, SD=1.3). The average number of activity-related behaviors completed were 4 from a 16 item scale. A significant correlation was found between "assistance" conversations and activity-related behaviors (r=.18, p≤.05). No correlation was found between "advice" conversations and activity-related behaviors (r=.09,n.s.). Results suggest that a positive relationship exists between "assistance" themed conversations and activity-related behaviors. Further analysis will include whether there is an association physician communication, activity-related behaviors, and reported levels of moderate and vigorous physical activity.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Communication, Latino Health
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a student presenting data collected for my Master's thesis. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Using Communication to Reduce Health Disparities
See more of: Public Health Education and Health Promotion |