187438 To Build Learning Organization in RH/FP Fields through Quality Care Learning Teams Approach

Wednesday, October 29, 2008: 11:24 AM

Baofeng Huang , Director for Center for Strategic Leadership Studies, Nanjign College for Population Program Management, China, Nanjign, China
Purpose of Work

During 2003 to 2006, we conduct a project, Strategic Leadership Capacity Building for Family Planning Officials in Dayang, in China. The goal of project is to improve women's satisfaction with FP services through strengthened FP official's strategic leadership skills at county and township level.


We strengthen strategic leadership capacity building for family planning officials through promoting personal learning, organizing team learning, and at last forming LO among the FPC, the communities and the households. To facilitate forming LO through the above three stage, one kind of action learning approach, Quality Care Learning Teams (QCLTs) approach is designed. We figure out five processes to guide QCLT taking actions. 1) define a clear cycle time of team action; 2) focus on only one problem for each QCLT at each cycle; 3) follow the PDCA procedure with system thinking methodology to solve the problem; 4) make detail records for all team actions; 5) show achievements or share experiences after each cycle over.


Through data analysis of the base line survey and the final survey, combined with the information got from in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and the document reviews, we find that the LO is primarily formed in Zhenjaing FP system, and FPC officials' strategic leadership capacity have been significantly improved.


Building the QCLTs is an effective way and a short cut to promote learning teams and LO among government, communities and households.

Taking the PDCA procedure with system thinking methodology can help QCLT to know what is true, and then to do what is right.

Learning Objectives:
Understand the role of Quality Care Learning Teams to form Leaning Organization among the government, the communities and the households Explain how Quality Care Learning Teams to follow the PDCA procedure with system thinking methodology to solve the RH/FP problems

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Application of systems thinking in field
Any relevant financial relationships? No

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