Fluoridation in California: Is San Diego fluoridated?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008: 12:30 PM
Timothy R. Collins, DDS, MPH
Oral Health Program, Dept. of Public Health, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA
Jon R. Roth, MS, BS
California Dental Association Foundation, Sacramento, CA
Eleanor Nadler, RDH, MPH
San Diego Fluoridation Coalition, La Mesa, CA
Marjorie Stocks, MPH
California Dental Association Foundation, Sacramento, CA
Ron Roberts
San Diego County Supervisor, Fourth District, San Diego, CA
Scott Peters
San Diego City Council President, San Diego, CA
Attendees will be informed about the recent history and current status of fluoridation in San Diego and California. The legislative and legal highlights of California fluoridation law, and strategies for successful statewide and local fluoridation decisions will be presented. Panelists will discuss the recent fluoridation of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the role of organized dentistry in fluoridation, oral health and fluoridation in San Diego, and building community support for fluoridation. Nationally, two-thirds of the U.S. population on public water supplies, enjoys the benefits of community water fluoridation. This has been a major factor in the declining prevalence and severity of tooth decay for children and adults. The American Public Health Association has a policy of holding national meetings in fluoridated cities, but until recently no part of San Diego was fluoridated. In fact, the City of San Diego remained the largest US city without fluoridation. With the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California fluoridating its water to most of Southern California since November 2007, a small part of San Diego receives fluoridated water. However, efforts to fluoridate the entire city are continuing, thanks to the many dedicated Californians and San Diegans who have been able to inform decision makers on the merits of community water fluoridation. These decision makers, at the County Board of Supervisors, San Diego First Five Commission and San Diego City Council have been instrumental in providing the leadership and garnering the political support for the start up costs of fluoridating the water supply.
Learning Objectives: 1. describe the recent history and current status of fluoridation in San Diego and California.
2. describe the strategies for successful community support for fluoridation
3. describe the importance of the legislation and legal cases on fluoridation in California.
Keywords: Oral Health, Public Health Policy
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Organizer and Moderator for this session. Chair, Oral Health Section, APHA. Expert Spokesperson on fluoridation for the American Dental Association. Member, Fluoridation Advisory Council, California Dental Association. Published articles on fluoridation. Principal investigator, California Oral Health Needs Assessment of Children, 1993-94.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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