191415 When Leaders Lead--Public Health Leadership in the 21st Century

Tuesday, October 28, 2008: 12:30 PM

Leslie Beitsch, MD, JD , College of Medicine, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
This session takes a focused look at the importance of public health leadership. Questions to be explored include: Who defines public health leadership now? Is there agreement among the public health community on definitions of leadership? How do we create public leaders of the future? Speakers will present evidence for why public health leadership is needed now more than ever, and discuss barriers and threats to public health leadership, including the media, funding, and politics. Through an interactive question-and-answer dialogue with public health leaders, participants will hear first-hand examples of leadership in real world situations, as well as discuss the future of public health leadership: partnerships, leadership development, communication, and more.

Learning Objectives:
Discuss public health leadership needs, barriers, and threats *Outline the distinctions between public health practice and public health leadership *Explore real-world case studies of leadership in public health