University of California, Irvine
Department of Medicine, Health Policy Research Institute
100 Theory
Suite 110
Biographical Sketch: Dana B. Mukamel, Ph.D. is Professor at the Department of Medicine and Senior Fellow at the Health Policy Research Institute at the University of California, Irvine. Prior to joining the University of California she was on the faculty at the University of Rochester Medical Center. She also has affiliations with the UCI Paul Merage School of Business and Ben Gurion University in Israel.
Dr. Mukamel holds a Ph.D. in economics and her research focuses on issues related to quality of care in long term care, both methodological issues related to measurement of quality and empirical studies designed to offer insights into policy, market, and provider characteristics that contribute to provision of high quality care. She has developed methods to measure quality in nursing homes and community based long term care programs based on risk adjusted health outcomes, such as risk adjusted decline in functional status and pressure ulcers. She has studied the relationships between competition and quality and costs and quality in nursing homes, the characteristics of programs such as PACE that are associated with superior enrollee outcomes, the response of nursing homes to the publication of the Nursing Home Compare quality report cards and the impact of state nursing home regulations (the state survey process) on residents risk adjusted outcomes. Her extensive research program is funded by grants from federal agencies (AHRQ, NIA, NINR and the VA) and private foundations (The Commonwealth Fund and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation). Dr. Mukamel serves on the editorial board of the American Journal of Public health and many national advisory and review boards for organizations such as CMS, AHRQ, and the VA.