Katherine K. Kinsey, PhD, RN, FAAN

Nurse-Family Partnership Collaborative of Philadelphia
National Nursing Centers Consortium
18th Floor
260 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia PAUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Katherine K. Kinsey received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in Education with a concentration in Health Professions Education. She also holds a Master’s in Community Health Nursing and a Baccalaureate in Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania, Magna Cum Laude. In addition, Dr. Kinsey received a Bachelor of Science from Millersville with a concentration in nursing and school health. Her areas of expertise are public health, urban health, health disparities, program evaluation, HIV/AIDS prevention, women’s health and health sciences/nursing education. Previously, she was a tenured professor of nursing at La Salle University; held the Independence Foundation Chair in Nursing at the university, and served as the Director of the nationally recognized La Salle Neighborhood Nursing Center. Presently, Dr. Kinsey is the Principal Investigator and Administrator of the Philadelphia Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program through the National Nursing Centers Consortium. In addition, she is the administrator of the newly instituted Mabel Morris Early Head Start Home Visitation Program, and continues to focus on the First Steps Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) program. The First Steps program targets underserved, urban families with one or more child at risk or newly diagnosed with ASD. Dr. Kinsey is recognized for grantsmanship and has been awarded more than 25 million dollars in federal, state, city and foundation grants. She has contributed to or edited book and journal chapters on public health administration and management, nurse managed health centers and women’s health issues. She serves on several non-profit boards and is a consultant to community non-profits and public health nursing faculty across the nation. Dr. Kinsey is a past chair of the Public Health Nursing Section of the American Public Health Association.