Altarum Institute
1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC
Biographical Sketch: Scott L. Green, Ph.D. serves as Director of the Behavioral Health Area of Altarum Institute. He has extensive experience in the development, assessment, and evaluation of mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment programs as well as other behavioral health programs. Dr. Green serves as the Project Manager and Evaluation Lead of the Independent Evaluation of the Federal Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (CMHS BG) Program, and recently coordinated an Evaluability Assessment on the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Program (SAPT BG) for CSAT. Dr. Green also has extensive experience managing Federal contracts. In addition to managing the CMHS and SAPT BG program evaluations, he serves as the subcontract manager for Altarum’s work supporting CMHS in their Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness grant program oversight and monitoring activities. He also is Project Director for the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s (ODEP) performance measurement contract focusing on the development and collection of performance data for ODEP’s programs. Prior to joining Altarum, Dr. Green served as the Project Director for the National Institute of Mental Health’s Outreach Partnership Program, a research dissemination project focusing on nationwide mental health and substance abuse outreach and education. He was also the Senior Evaluator for CSAT’s Knowledge, Development, and Application Project. Dr. Green is a licensed psychologist in Maryland and has significant experience as a provider of mental health treatment services in a variety of settings including community mental health centers, university counseling centers, rehabilitation and brain injury units, and medical centers. Dr. Green earned a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University, and has been an instructor of psychology, as well as a presenter at various academic and scientific conferences. In addition, he has conducted scientific investigations and published papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Dr. Green has conducted research on topics such as emotional reactions to illness and injury, social support and health, and cancer prevention.