Elizabeth Reifsnider, PhD, APRN, BC

University of Texas Medical Branch
School of Nursing
301 University Blvd.
Galveston TXUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Elizabeth Reifsnider, PhD, RN, WHNP, PHCNS, BC is Associate Dean for Research and Constance Brewer Koomey Professor in Nursing at the University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing in Galveston, Texas . Her research focuses on maternal and child nutrition and growth, breastfeeding, the WIC Program, and nonorganic failure to thrive in WIC children. She has a strong interest in research with vulnerable and underserved populations. Dr. Reifsnider received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Avila College in Kansas City, Missouri and began her career in public health nursing in Oklahoma. She obtained a certificate as an ob/gyn nurse practitioner and a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Oklahoma. While practicing public health nursing, she served the Oklahoma State Health Department as a public health nurse, a nurse practitioner, a nurse consultant , and a district nursing supervisor. She then obtained her PhD in nursing from The University of Texas at Austin in family and community health nursing. Dr. Reifsnider is a certified women's health care nurse practitioner and a certified clinical specialist in public/community health nursing. Dr. Reifsnider's research examines maternal child issues-especially growth and nutrition, including breastfeeding-among low-income, vulnerable populations. All of her studies have been conducted community organizations and partners, especially with the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program. She has obtained federal funding on nutritional and parenting outcomes of WIC mothers and children and for the education of nursing students in public health nursing; state funding on research into the causes of obesity in children, and local and national foundation funding on promotion of breastfeeding, and growth of children.