Linda Joy Frazier, MA, RN, CHES

Maine Office of Substance Abuse
41 Anthony Ave
SHS 11
Augusta MEUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Linda J. Frazier, MA, RN, CHES, Maine Office of Substance Abuse Linda is a nurse and certified health education specialist with 25 years experience in behavioral health care in a variety of clinical settings. She worked for the Maine DHHS, Office of Substance Abuse (OSA) for the past seven years, and as Treatment Manager provided direction and oversight in the implementation of evidence-based substance abuse treatment interventions and performance contracting for substance abuse treatment services statewide. As grants coordinator for OSA, Linda was the state change leader/executive sponsor for the Maine CSAT Treatment Access and Retention grant (STAR SI), and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Advancing Recovery grant projects. Both these initiatives use the NIATx Process Improvement Model to improve access to quality treatment.