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![]() 5065.0 Health Services Research: Medication Adherence, Outcomes, & BillingWednesday, October 29, 2008: 8:30 AM
The five conclusions for this session are as follows:
1.More research is needed on defining and identifying true non-adherent patients, the role of the intimate system to promoting adherence, and how to provide informational and relational support to increase adherence
2.In Taiwan, the implementation of drug-eluting stents balance billing especially effect the low-income beneficiaries more than other S.E.S beneficiaries
3.There is a significant and positive relationship between switching health care systems and medication non-adherence
4.Psychological distress and socio-demographics influence the development of CRF
5.Despite evidence that hypertension treatment effectively reduces recurrent stroke risk, approximately 30% of hypertensive adults with a stroke history report not being given advice about lifestyle modification to reduce BP. When post-stroke adults report receiving treatment recommendations about diet and exercise, they generally engage in the suggested behaviors
Session Objectives: There are five objectives for this session. To:
1.Identify themes around non-adherence
2.Evaluate the impact of balance billing on stents recipints and treatment outcome
3.Assess the impact of switching health care systems on medication non-adherence
4.Find the influence of psychological distress and sociodemographic characteristics on development of cancer-related fatigue
5.Understand the degree to which hypertensive adults with a history of stroke receive advice about controlling their diets, exercising, and taking antihypertensive medications to control BP and thereby lower recurrent stroke risk
Nancy Breen, PhD
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