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![]() 4046.0 Healthy Child Care America: Supporting Health and Social Emotional Development of Young Children in Child Care SettingsTuesday, October 28, 2008: 8:30 AM
The goal of the Healthy Child Care America program is to build linkages between health and child care professionals in support of the healthy development of young children in child care settings. Strategies to improve quality in child care include meeting health and safety standards and providing additional child care staff training through the use of child care health consultants (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2002). This session discusses how a child care health consultation model can be used to address child care quality rating and improvements as well as support the health and social emotional development of young children in child care settings and their families.
Session Objectives: As a result of attending this session participants will be able to:
1. Describe the collaboration between a nursing center and childcare quality rating and improvement agency and their stakeholders;
2. Identify challenging behaviors and best practices for addressing them;
3. Discuss the individual and family-level benefits incurred by participation of families with young children in a home visiting program;
4. Identify asthma management concerns in child care environments;
5. Describe the effects of multiple roles on fathers behavior/support for their wives in Japan as a workaholic society.
8:45 AM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Maternal and Child Health
See more of: Maternal and Child Health