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![]() 4110.0 Genetic Susceptibility Testing for Beryllium: For and AgainstTuesday, October 28, 2008: 10:30 AM
Beryllium is the first industrial toxicant for which a scientifically valid test of genetic susceptibility may soon be available. This panel will present arguments for and against the use of such a test. First, the genetic test will be distinguished from the widely used lymphocyte proliferation test, an immunological marker. An overview of exposed worker populations will also be presented. Next, the conditions under which such a test could be applied for preventive purposes, while minimizing harm to workers, will be debated. Discussants will then place the beryllium debate in the wider context of ethical issues and policy choices for genetic testing in the workplace.
Session Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant will be able to list two pros and cons of Genetic Susceptibility Testing for Beryllium.Participants will also:
* Distinguish the beryllium lymphocyte proliferation immunologic test from the Glu69 genetic marker.
* Describe worker populations exposed to beryllium.
* Contrast the arguments for and against the use of a genetic susceptibility test in workers exposed to beryllium.
Ken Silver, SM, DSc
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Occupational Health and Safety
See more of: Occupational Health and Safety