5010.0 Outbreak Investigations Poster Session

Wednesday, October 29, 2008: 8:30 AM

Board 1
Pertussis: A Cluster of Linked Cases in a Wichita, Kansas Primary School
Deborah Fromer, MT(ASCP), MPH, Cindy A. L. Burbach, DrPH, RN, Janice McCoy, MPH, Candace Gilmore, MA and Dante Corimanya, MD
Board 2
Two norovirus outbreaks: Same nurse manager, different outcomes
Stephen G. Long, MD, Yufang Zhang, MD MPH, Brenda J. Thorne, MS, DTM and Adebowale Awosika-Olumo, MD, MS, MPH
Board 4
Rapid Response and Containment of a Cryptosporidium Outbreak in Sedgwick County, Kansas
Deborah Fromer, MT(ASCP), MPH, Janice McCoy, MPH and Cindy A. L. Burbach, DrPH, RN
Board 5
Shigellosis outbreak: Lessons learned from a local public health agency response in milwaukee, wi
Paul A. Biedrzycki, MPH, MBA, Angela Hagy, MSPH, Geoffrey R. Swain, MD, MPH, M. Stephen Gradus, PhD and Ajaib Singh, DVM, PhD
Board 6
Epidemiology of norovirus-like illness outbreaks in a large urban health department
Andrea Arendt, RN, MPH, Jackie Napolitano, RS and Chris Kippes, MS
Board 7
Nasopharyngeal Tuberculosis: Characterization of Transmissibility in a College Classroom Setting
Catherine Moria Kroll, MPH, Rebecca D'Alessio, BSN, Janyce Kibler, BSN and Marjorie Emery Kirsch, MD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Epidemiology
Endorsed by: Food and Nutrition

See more of: Epidemiology