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![]() 4078.0 21st Century Public Health - Expanding Partnerships, Engaging OthersTuesday, October 28, 2008: 10:30 AM
As the Institute of Medicine pointed out in the Future of the Public’s Health in the 21st Century, improved community health needs a new generation of intersectoral partnerships. This session provides three very different approaches but all demonstrate ways that Public Health achieves improved health through partnerships and other organizations.
The San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative aims to reduce childhood obesity in the county. The action plan developed used the ecological model of health promotion, a rigorous literature review and involvement of many sectors within communities throughout the county. Examples of partnerships developed will be discussed.
The Village at Market Creek is a 45-acre community development initiative planned and designed by residents of a diverse under-invested San Diego community in partnership with a family foundation. Learn how the social and economic impacts of this development are creating pathways to improve community health, wellness, safety, and neighborhood environments.
As a result of the State of California’s prolonged failure to provide medical care to prison inmates at constitutionally acceptable levels, in 2006 Federal Judge Thelton E. Henderson appointed a Receiver to assume control of California’s prison medical system. The Receiver’s CEO for Medical Services will discuss the progress achieved to date, the strategic plans, and the potential for further prison/public health collaborations.
Session Objectives: 1. Describe how the ecologic model is helpful for childhood obesity collaborative.
2. List three healthy environmental changes that have already occurred in the Market Creek Plaza area
3. Discuss the structure, processes, and persistent personal leadership required to create and sustain interagency collaboration on behalf of prison inmates.
Tony Iton, MD, JD, MPH
11:20 AM
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