3073.0 ATOD Student Poster Showcase

Monday, October 27, 2008: 10:30 AM
This is a special session featuring posters by students on a variety of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug topics. Posters assigned to this section will participate in a special review by the ATOD section. An outstanding poster in each topic area will be recognized at APHA.

Board 2
MassBUILT: Efficacy of an Apprenticeship Site Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Unionized Building Trades Workers
Cassandra Okechukwu, MSN/MPH, Nancy Krieger, PhD, Glorian Sorensen, PhD, Yi Li and Elizabeth Barbeau, ScD
Board 3
Board 4
Idaho Tobacco Cessation Program: Providing free cessation counseling to all Idahoans regardless of place of residence
Elizabeth Hannah, DVM, MS, MPH, Lani Sosnowski, BS, Kathryn Quinn, BS and Kallie Penchansky, BA
Board 5
What are private health plans doing (or not) about smoking cessation?
Sharon Reif, PhD, Constance M. Horgan, ScD, Deborah W. Garnick, ScD and Deborah L. McLellan, MHS
Board 7
Practice patterns and training for tobacco cessation for three types of complementary and alternative medicine practitioners
Lysbeth Floden, MPH, Myra Muramoto, MD, MPH, Cheryl Ritenbaugh, PhD, MPH, Mikel Aickin, PhD, Mimi Nichter, PhD and Mark Nichter, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs