4240.0 Focusing on Sexual Health Education

Tuesday, October 28, 2008: 2:30 PM

Board 1
Strategies for communicating contraceptive effectiveness: A systematic review
Laureen M. Lopez, PhD RD, Markus J. Steiner, PhD, David A. Grimes, MD and Kenneth F. Schulz, PhD, MBA
Board 2
Using the Health Belief Model to identify predictors of consistent condom use and incident STIs among African American adolescent females
Julia Painter, MPH, Jessica Sales, PhD, Ralph DiClemente, PhD, Gina Wingood, MPH ScD, Eve S. Rose, MSPH, Shilpa N. Patel, MPH and Lara DePadilla, MS
Board 3
Total number of youth assets, demographics, and never had sexual activity
Sara Vesely, PhD, Eleni Tolma, MPH, PhD, Roy Oman, PhD, Cheryl Aspy, PhD and Sharon Rodine
Board 5
Board 6
Parental-related youth assets and sexual activity: Differences according to race/ethnicity
Eleni Tolma, MPH, PhD, Roy Oman, PhD, Sara Vesely, PhD, Cheryl Aspy, PhD, Sharon Rodine, LaDonna Marshall and Janene Fluhr, MA
Board 7
Peer influence, self-esteem and sexual communication: A path analysis of consistent condom use
Lara DePadilla, MS, Jessica Sales, PhD, Michael Windle, PhD, Ralph J. DiClemente, PhD, Gina M. Wingood, ScD and Eve Rose, MSPH
Board 8
Factors associated with lack of protection against HIV and pregnancy among African-American female adolescents
Teaniese P. Latham, MPH, Colleen P. Crittenden Murray, DrPH, Jessica Sales, PhD, Erin Bradley, MPH, Ralph DiClemente, PhD and Eve Rose, MSPH
Board 9
Board 10
Perceived value of early sex education predicts future attitudes and behaviors
Randolph S. Devereaux, MSPH, John Bolland, PhD and Brad Lian, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Public Health Education and Health Promotion
Endorsed by: HIV/AIDS, Public Health Nursing, Socialist Caucus, School Health Education and Services