3083.0 Innovative Community Health Worker Curricula & Effective Evaluation Studies

Monday, October 27, 2008: 10:30 AM
Through this poster session you will have the opportunity to talk with 10 different organizations about curricula developed for training CHWs. You will also have the opportunity to receive information on effective research studies whom finding support the role of CHWs.
Session Objectives: 1. Discover different curricula developed to train CHWs. 2. Learn about different teaching models to training CHWs. 3. Learn about studies and their findings which support the effectiveness of the CHW role.

Board 1
Mental health preparedness and community health workers
Anna Graham, D. Mercedes Duchicela, MPH and Crystal Stewart
Board 4
Selling maternal child heatlh to small community businesses
Judith Stark, RN, BSN, Beth Wilkinson, MA and Suzanne Sawyer, RN, MPH, APNC
Board 5
Board 6
Resident Health Advocates on the Move: Community-based approach to promoting health screening in public housing developments
Jo-Anna L. Rorie, CNM, MSN, MPH, Tegan C. Evans, MPH, Alan C. Geller, MPH, RN, Adriana L. Smith, MPH, Daisy De la Rosa, MPA, Lee Strunin, PhD and Daniel R. Brooks, DSc
Board 8
A Promotora Health Education Model for Improving Latino Health Care in
Suzanne Kotkin-Jaszi, DrPH, Alicia Gonzalez, BS, John A. Capitman, PhD and Marlene Bengiamin, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Community Health Workers SPIG
Endorsed by: Community-Based Public Health Caucus, Public Health Education and Health Promotion, Women's Caucus