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![]() 3046.0 Immigration, Stress and Substance Use Among LatinosMonday, October 27, 2008: 8:30 AM
The Hispanic population represents approximately 13% of the United States population (Census, 2000). Census projections estimate a tremendous growth in the proportion of people who consider them self to be Hispanic. Lack of health care, barriers to access and use of care, and linguistic and cultural issues are factors which may influence the disproportional burden of chronic and infectious diseases. The purpose of this session is to highlight the myriad factors related to stress and/or substance abuse among Latinos. This session is relevant to public health leaders interested in responding to substance abuse and/or mental health in the Hispanic community.
Session Objectives: 1. Understand the relationship between acculturation stress and ethnic discrimination with substance abuse behaviors among Latino youth
2. Recognize how years living in the US is correlated with ability to recognize types of mental health disorders and treatment among Latinos
3. Describe prevalence of substance abuse and patterns of mental health utilization among border communities, including Latino status
4. Understand the relationship of goal-striving stress to mental health among a heterogeneous Mexican-origin population
5. Describe the mediating role of friendship networks in association between acculturation and marijuana use among Latino youth
Miryam Gerdine, MPH
8:48 AM
9:24 AM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Latino Caucus
CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing
See more of: Latino Caucus