3381.0 Latino Immigrant Youth and Their Families: Nutrition, Violence and Mental Health Issues

Monday, October 27, 2008: 4:30 PM

Board 4
Hispanic immigrant youth and internalizing behaviors: Examining the links with neighborhood context
Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo, PhD, Yange Xue, PhD and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, PhD
Board 5
Acculturation and internalizing behaviors among immigrant youth in Los Angeles
Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo, PhD, Amelia Haviland, PhD and Lindsay Daugherty, MS
Board 6
Reducing the immigrant obesity disparity: Acculturation, gender, and nutrition in Latino adolescents
Heather Diaz, DrPH, Helen Hopp Marshak, PhD, Susanne Montgomery, PhD, MPH, MS and Desiree R. Backman, DrPH, RD
Board 7
Racial/ethnic and gender differences in youth violence: An exploration of Latino youth
Lorena M. Estrada Martinez, MPH, Cleopatra Howard Caldwell, PhD and Amy J. Schulz, PhD
Board 8
Parent-Child Acculturation Gap and its Role in Childhood Obesity
Sarika Thakur, MA, MPH, Amanda Drews, PhD, Patricia Reyes, BA, Alejandra Contreras and James McCracken, MD
Board 9
Preventing Latina teen pregnancy: The important role of parents
Lauren Ralph, MPH, M. Antonia Biggs, PhD, Sarah L. Schwartz, MPH, Abigail Arons, Alexandra Minnis, PhD, MPH, Kristen Marchi, MPH, Claire Brindis, DrPH and Paula A. Braveman, MD, MPH

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Latino Caucus
Endorsed by: Caucus on Refugee and Immigrant Health, Public Health Education and Health Promotion, Public Health Nursing, Socialist Caucus, School Health Education and Services, Women's Caucus

See more of: Latino Caucus