3280.0 Global Reproductive Health and Family Planning

Monday, October 27, 2008: 2:30 PM

Board 3
Board 5
Expanding access to full-spectrum reproductive health care for the uninsured: The Women's Reproductive Health Free Clinic Expansion Project
Lisa M. Maldonado, MPH, Honor MacNaughton, MD, Jolyn Taylor, MSII, Maura RZ Madou, MSII and Alison Triplett
Board 8
Postpartum contraception in Latin America and the Caribbean
Ricardo Vernon, PhD and Estela Rivero, PhD
Board 9
Using film for culturally-relevant child-spacing promotion in Timor-Leste
Mary Anne Mercer, DrPH, Nadine Hoekman, MPH and Susan Thompson, MPH

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Population, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health
Endorsed by: International Health, Public Health Education and Health Promotion, Socialist Caucus