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![]() 196112 Small Steps are Easier Together: Increasing walking steps using web-based reporting and individual goal setting at workTuesday, November 10, 2009: 10:50 AM
Weight gain and obesity are modifiable breast cancer risk factors affecting large numbers of women. “Small Steps are Easier Together” is an environmental intervention to increase employee walking steps at diverse small worksites. Ten small worksites in rural communities used a worksite environmental needs assessment to identify, select, and adapt strategies to increase walking steps by 2000 over individual baseline 3 or more days per week. Daily steps (measured by pedometer) were reported weekly on the project web site. Pre-and post-intervention questionnaires evaluated attitudinal changes. The 221 study participants were primarily white women with a mean age of 45 years and self-reported mean BMI of 28. 43% of participants met the walking goal. The proportion meeting walking goals increased from 38% to 65% over 10 weeks with the greatest relative step increase by those who walked least at baseline. Reported walking steps were significantly less on weekends compared to weekdays. Challenges to self-efficacy remained with participants being significantly (p=<.05) more likely at post- than pre-intervention to agree “it is hard to get enough exercise at my workplace;” and less likely to feel sure I can: “get more physical activity by increasing my daily walking steps at work;” or “improve the environment for exercise at my workplace.” 57% “shared ideas about walking with my family,” and 30% agreed “My family is walking more.” Site-specific changes in physical activity environments can help workers increase walking steps, but offer challenges in terms of workers feelings of efficacy to change the worksite environment.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Physical Activity, Health Promotion
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
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