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![]() 197186 Impacts of knowledge management on organizational innovation in 25 Taiwanese teaching hospitalsMonday, November 9, 2009
The study aimed to explore the impact of knowledge management on organizational innovation in medical institution. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional research design with self-composed questionnaires. Workers from 25 hospitals were set to be the subjects for this study. 500 questionnaires were distributed, and 337 effective questionnaires were returned, resulting in a response rate of 67.4%. The data were analyzed by multiple regression and one-way ANOVA. Results: From the study, we discovered that hospital characteristics are significant differences on knowledge management's “Acquire Creation”, “Circulation Proliferation”, “Storage Internalization”, “Application Sharing” and organizational innovation's “Management Innovation”, “Technological Innovation”. We also learned that academic medical centers are superior to regional hospitals, and there are significant positive relations between every phase in knowledge management and organizational innovation. "Application sharing" from knowledge management shows the biggest effect on organizational innovation. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that knowledge management can develop significant positive influences on organizational innovation. Each hospital should combine knowledge management and organizational goals for developing a learning organization to reinforce the sharing and application of knowledge among the hospitals. Then, through the positive support from the managers on the development of knowledge management, they will be able to bring all the workers to participate in knowledge management and bring the benefits of the organizational innovation.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Management and Sustainability, Organizational Change
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