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![]() 198699 Self-reported sexual behavior by middle and high school students: Comparing CBAE and YRBS resultsMonday, November 9, 2009
Nearly 6,000 students participated in a Community Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) curriculum for 6th-9th grade students in selected South Carolina school districts. Students were given pre and post surveys measuring knowledge and attitudes towards sex. The results were consistent with the Worth the Wait findings of increased knowledge and delay towards sexual activity. (Sulak, P. J., Herbelin, S. J., Fix, D.A., & Kuehl, T.J., 2005) This study compares the results of CBAE participating schools to the 2007 Youth Risky Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) weighted data on sexual behaviors for 6th-9th grade students of South Carolina. Descriptive comparisons between demographics and specific sexual behavior questions are discussed. Demographically, YRBS presents 40% Non-Hispanic blacks and 52% White students surveyed. The CBAE surveys present 45% African-American and 45% White students surveyed. Both surveys also present an even division of genders as well. Specific questions addressed include the percentage of students who report having had sexual intercourse. The figures for 8th grade students are 28.9% (21.4-37.9) according to YRBS and 24.5% (21.5-27.5) according to CBAE post surveys. The figures for 9th grade students are 46.7% (34.9-59.0) according to YRBS and 33.7% (31.5-36.0) according to CBAE post surveys. These comparisons illustrate that self-report of sexual activity becomes less consistent between surveys as age increases. CBAE surveys or YRBS are under/over reporting sexual activity in 9th graders, yet are fairly consistent for 8th graders. The discussion includes possible reasons behind this variability and how this may affect the interpretations of results.
Learning Objectives:
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a MSPH candidate in biostatistics. I have analyzed the results for CBAE, one of the surveys being compared. I am also learning how to run weighted data, like the data used for YRBS. In this particular report, I compare the results of CBAE to YRBS, both sets of data I have been working with prior to this specific presentation. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Youth and Sex, Issues and Resolutions
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