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![]() 202749 Center for Rural Health and Health Disparities: A Pedogogical Model to Educate Mercer University Public Health StudentsWednesday, November 11, 2009
Topic: Center for Rural Health and Health Disparities: A Pedagogical Model to Educate Mercer University Public Health Students
Objective: To prepare students to become community-responsive health professionals for rural and other underserved communities. Issue: Mercer University Public Health students have the desire to work in underserved communities but often lack the necessary knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in such communities. The Center for Rural Health and Health Disparities (CRHHD) provides the infrastructure needed to equip Mercer University Public Health Students to successfully engage and serve under-served communities. Description: Examine the various components in which students are involved as part of their work with the center. Delineate what public health competencies are being acquired by the students and how those competencies will help prepare students to effectively impact under-served communities. Lessons Learned: Students are able to apply their knowledge and acquired training from the CRHHD to effectively assess the health needs of underserved communities. Recommendation: To track the progress of the Center for Rural Health and Health Disparities intermediate evaluations should be conducted via student reflections regarding assigned projects and experiences. Also, outcome evaluations should be conducted to examine possible long-term effects of student learning and experiences.
Learning Objectives:
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am research associate working with the Center for Rural Health and Health Disparities. I am also a current Masters of Public Health Program at Mercer University School of Medicine. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Expanding Public Health Literacy for Students and Clients
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