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![]() 202863 Relationships of resources awareness and service utilization with successful re-entry and re-integration into society among female probationers and parolees in MississippiTuesday, November 10, 2009: 3:10 PM
In 2006, over 5 million adults were under probation or parole in the U.S. In 2007, 5,052 Mississippi women were on probation and 427 on parole, (46.28% and 37.24% black respectively) ( Women were less aware of resources/services and tended to utilize services than men (La Vigne and Brooks, 2005; O'Brien, 2001; Richie, 2001). Successful re-entry and integration require awareness of resources and services and service utilization (Golembeski & Fullilove, 2005; Solomon et al, 2004). We examine awareness of resources/services, service utilization and successful re-entry/re-integration among female probationers/parolees in Mississippi. Methods Using non-probability convenience sampling, 667 female probationers and parolees completed a 37-item, self-administered questionnaire through the Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC). Relationships between awareness of resources/services and service utilization were analyzed in relation to current employment and income (SPSSTM 16.0). Results Data indicate that resources/services awareness and utilization of services had significant impact on employment and income. Black female probationers and parolees were less likely to utilize available resources and aware of resources/ services than whites.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Prison, Parolees
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Medical Director of Office of Health Disparity I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
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